About NCESD Special Education Support & Services
The North Central ESD offers a wide variety of services that include staff development training, technical assistance, and numerous resources for school districts and staff to assist with the educational program for students with disabilities. Many of these services are provided through a cooperative while others are fee for service.
Approximately 143,000 eligible students in Washington state receive special education and related services. The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) fulfills the requirements of the federal individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which ensures all children with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education.
Contact Us
For questions, please contact the Special Education department at (509) 665-2630.
Itinerant Services
NCESD contracts with our local school districts to provide the following itinerant student support services:
Administrative Support
Our team support districts and schools with the day-to-day running of their special education programs by assisting with clerical and administrative processes.
Speech Language Pathology
Speech language pathologists work with students with speech and/or language disorders. Speech disorder refers to a problem with making sounds, while language disorder refers to a problem understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas. Therapists use a variety of strategies including language intervention activities, articulation therapy, and oral-motor/feeding and swallowing therapy.
Occupational Therapy
For children in schools, occupational therapy works to ensure that a student can participate in the full breadth of school activities — from paying attention in class; concentrating on the task at hand; holding a pencil, musical instrument, or book in the easiest way; or just behaving appropriately in class. Occupational therapy can boost a student’s self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.
Physical Therapy
School-based physical therapists support a student’s ability to access their educational environment by assisting a student’s physical participation in a variety of settings throughout the school day. Physical therapists use a variety of treatments to help build strength, improve movement, and strengthen skills needed to complete daily activities.
Teacher of the Visually Impaired
The role of the Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments is to provide direct and/or consultative special education services specific to vision loss. Our Teachers of the Visually Impaired work with the educational team by advising about ways of enhancing the student’s learning by adapting activities and materials to the student’s abilities.
Teacher of the Deaf
The role of the Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is to provide direct and/or consultative special education services specific to hearing loss. Our Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing works with the educational team by advising about ways of enhancing the student’s learning through pre-teaching and re-teaching content as well as building language using a variety of modes of communication.
Orientation and Mobility Specialists
Orientation and Mobility specialists teach children and adults with blindness or vision impairments critical skills to remain oriented in their environments as well as specific mobility skills in order to travel safely, efficiently and as independently as possible. Specialists typically work one-on-one with students and tailor instruction to each individual to include skills such as effective use of the individual’s remaining senses, concept development, orientation skills, problem-solving, use of a long cane or other mobility systems, instruction in the use of optical and/org electronic devices, and more.
School Psychologists
School psychologists use their expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, to help children and youth success academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. School psychologists partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school and the community.
Board Certified Behavior Analysts
Behavior Analysts work with students to overcome mental and social disabilities, often supporting students with autism and developmental disabilities. They assess and evaluate, then treat students with mental and social disabilities through techniques that allow them to analyze and customize treatment for each student.
Inclusion and Behavior Coaching
The behavior coach provides coaching for teachers to support both school-wide and classroom positive behavior interventions and supports. They focus on increasing the skills of the regular classroom teacher to better meet the needs of the student with behavioral and/or emotional issues.
Upcoming Professional Development for Student Supports
The North Central Educational Service District offers our districts the platform Professional Development Enroller (pdEnroller) to manage professional development opportunities. It is a mobile-friendly web service for event registration, payment, clock hour approval and clock hour recording.
Below is a list of our upcoming professional development events for Special Education staff. Click the event name or “Register” button for more details (it will take you to the pdEnroller website).
Inclusionary Practices Project Professional Learning
The AESD Inclusionary Practices Project (IPP) supports coordinated professional learning for school leadership teams. The project’s purpose is to support educators and school leaders with developing and implementing sustainable systems, structures, and practices that support all students with meaningful access and engagement in inclusive learning environments.
Moving All to Success & Health (MASH) Program
Moving All to Success & Health (MASH) is a support program developed by a collaborative of Educational Service Districts to provide training and coaching to school staff and families who are working with children with intensive behavioral needs.
Each MASH team is led by a team of experts including a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Registered Behavior Technician, Social Worker, and a Special Education Specialist. MASH teams focus on the success of each student in the school setting. Personalized to the needs of each student and the school, the MASH team provides a wide variety of services including parent training, one-on-one student support, behavior plans and assessments, ACT training, PFA/SBT coaching and implementation, staff behavioral training, IEP support, progress monitoring, and on-campus observations and coaching– all driven by behavioral data. The ultimate achievement being the student’s success at home, school, and in their everyday life!
Anna Troutman
Assistant Director Special Education / MASH Program DirectorMessage NCESD
Building Relationships and Intervention for Development and Growth in Education (BRIDGE)
Coach. Collaboration. Empower.
The BRIDGE Team (Building Relationships and Interventions for Development and Growth in Education) offers a continuum of support to adults in developing and implementing instructional and behavioral strategies that help students with a variety of needs find school success.
We offer:
- District-wide to student-specific support
- Tailored service; not one-size-fits-all
- Coaching and mentoring
- Professional development and training
- Data-driven decision making
Our goal is to help districts seek solutions by building capacity and confidence in their skills through coaching and collaboration. We BRIDGE skill gaps to help adults and students meet academic, behavioral, and social goals.
Shana Anders
Executive Functioning
Abe Bray
Behavior Intervention
Emily Bushouse
Behavior Systems
Adrian Chavey
Inclusion & Instruction
Anna Troutman
MASH Director
Pre-Employment Transition Services
NCESD has partnered with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to deliver Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) to students within our region.
Pre-ETS workshops are designed to provide essential services to youth with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 Plan, or a documented disability. Our workshops are centered around developing essential job skills, enabling youth to successfully transition into the workforce upon graduation.
NCESD is also seeking local businesses and organization to join us in shaping the future workforce by contributing to the education and professional development of our youth. The community can partner with NCESD to create meaningful experiences through engaging job site tours and impactful paid internships.
Pre-ETS Contacts
SpEd-Splain It To Me
Join North Central ESD’s Special Services team as they dig into court cases involving special education in K-12 school districts. You can listen to episodes below, but we encourage you to subscribe to the podcast (officially called “NCESD in MP3”) on your favorite app.