
Career Connected Learning is about every student having access to experiential learning opportunities that lead to the future career they choose for themselves. The North Central Career Connect Washington Network is co-led by the Apple STEM Network (represented by North Central ESD) and Skillsource (North Central Workforce Development Council). The North Central Network serves Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan counties.

Career Connected Learning is a continuum of awareness, exploration, preparation, and work experience developed through strong public and private partnerships. Participants develop, apply, and are assessed on academic, technical, trade, and entrepreneurial skills that support their future career success.

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North Central Network’s three core goals:

Our priority goal is to connect a student’s education with employment opportunities and a clear indicator of the success of our work is the successful development, support and expansion of CTE graduation pathways in school districts in our region.

Partner and collaborate to increase system alignment

100% of youth participate in Career Explore & Career Prep opportunities

60% of graduates in the class of 2030 have access to Career Launch opportunities

North Central Network Executive Leadership Board

The board comprises cross-sector leadership which include public, private and community-based organizations. 

  • Jessica Lynch
  • Stela Heuschkel 
  • Jesus Hernandez 
  • Jenny Rojanasthien
  • Michelle Price
  • Alyce Brown
  • Tami McBride
  • Jacob Buholtz
  • Oscar Licon
  • Susan Adams 
  • Lupe Sanchez
  • Bryce Humpherys  
  • Riva Morgan
  • Yuritzi Lozano
  • Annette Herup
  • Kristi O’Neill
  • Meghan Francis

By working together to connect college and work opportunities, our goal is to introduce and build pathways for students and contribute to strong and competitive workforces.

North Central Network Partners