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Lead. Serve. Support.

As one of Washington’s nine Educational Service Districts, North Central ESD provides leadership and quality services to support school districts, educational staff, and partners serving the children and communities in the North Central Washington region and across the state.

Driven by the needs of the school districts we serve, North Central ESD offers more than 140 programs and services that address all areas of K-12 education and administration. This support creates a wrap-around of services that allow districts to prioritize resources to strengthen the work they are already doing in their schools and classrooms.


We offer a rewarding, high-performance workplace focused on quality service for the children and communities we serve.


Register for professional development classes and trainings for Washington State certificated and classified staff.


NCESD is working hard and doing great things around the region. Take a minute and read about the latest news.

Latest News from North Central ESD

Students Showcase Artwork at 46th Annual Regional High School Art Show

The annual Regional High School Art Show opened at the Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center on Friday, March 7. This year’s Art Show showcases over 150 pieces submitted by students from North Central Washington schools, with the “Best in Show” selections advancing to statewide competition in Olympia.

A Closer Look at Special Education Funding in Washington State

Over recent years, many districts have reported that the actual costs of providing Special Education services have outpaced the funding received through state and federal sources. Although the Legislature raised the funding cap to 16% this year, that increase amounts to an investment of only $19.6 million for 2024-25.

Our Promise

We promise to lead, serve, and support our educational partners and the communities of North Central Washington and across the state. 

This is achieved through our four commitments: