
Monthly Archives: May 2022

Hot and Hazy Summers Connect Climate Change to Local Experience

2022-05-16T15:23:39-07:00May 16th, 2022|News|

Chelsea Freeman teaches high school in Tonasket, an agricultural community hit especially hard by the drought, record-breaking heat, and wildfire smoke that Washington experienced in summer 2021. But when the school year began, her students asked if climate change was something they needed to worry about.

Thank A Nurse on National School Nurse Day

2022-05-10T14:36:58-07:00May 10th, 2022|News|

North Central Educational Service District (NCESD) will be recognizing regional school nurses on Wednesday, May 11 in celebration of National School Nurse Day. NCESD encourages others to take a few minutes on May 11 to say thank you to a school nurse for their dedication to student health and safety, and particularly for their efforts to maintain student and school safety through COVID pandemic efforts.

Team Driven Leadership: The MTSS Journey Blog Series

2024-01-31T14:16:31-08:00May 2nd, 2022|MTSS, News|

Stephanie Andler, NCESD MTSS Specialist, discusses how teamwork is the backbone to MTSS. A team in MTSS is responsible for dreaming together and for overseeing the implementation of MTSS by planning, coordination, monitoring efforts, and making system adjustments.

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