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Middle and High School Virtual Teacher Training
The course is designed to engage students in learning how decisions are made while considering tradeoffs and stakeholders. Students learn about various forms of energy production and formulate which form of energy best meets the needs for Dakota Brown, a fictitious environmental engineer looking to relocate to a new state. This course acts as an introduction to learning about engineering design, alternative energy, or physical science concepts.

To enhance the experience, each participating teacher will also receive a PowerWheel valued at $179.00. The PowerWheel was designed to be a foundational tool for the instruction of energy and physics.

You can learn about the PowerWheel at:

Brief Introduction (Video)

Learn about the many uses in education (Video)

Date & Time

Thursday, October 27
4:00pm – 5:30pm


Online Event
Hosted via Zoom

Registration Price


Clock Hours

1 STEM Clock Hour Available for Purchase

Register via pdEnroller

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