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Science in Our Valley seminars run every Wednesday starting September 28 and ending November 16. All events are free and open to the public at the WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center (1100 N Western Ave, Wenatchee) from 4pm to 5pm. Prior registration is not required to attend these events.

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Wildfires in North Central Washington: Proactive Management Approaches

Presented by Dr. Susan Prichard (Fire Ecologist, University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences)

Wildfire seasons are growing longer and more severe in north-central Washington. As a fire ecologist, I have lived and worked in the Methow Valley for nearly 20 years. The forests I study span much of the inland western US and Canada. Across this varied region, summer wildfires are on the rise, often leaving large patches of dead forest that must start again by seed, generally under much warmer and drier conditions. The pace of change is alarming an erosion of old and mature forests and in drier sites, conversion of post-fire forests to grasslands and sparse woodlands.

Through decades of applied research, we now know that forest restoration and fuel reduction treatments work. Although climate change is contributing to drier conditions, proactive forest management including thinning and prescribed burning can change fire outcomes. In this presentation, we will review recent wildfire seasons in north-central Washington and the proactive work that we can do to bette live with fire.

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The seminar presentations are intended for a ‘science-based’ audience, including researchers, postdoctoral scientists, teachers, graduate students, undergraduate scientists, and science enthusiasts.

K-12 educators are also encouraged to attend the seminar series to learn about local career connections and research efforts that they can bring back to their students. Clock hours are available through the North Central Educational Service District for attending the series.

Date & Time

Wednesday, November 16
4:00pm – 5:00pm


WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center
1100 N Western Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801

Registration Price


Clock Hours

1 Clock Hours Available for Purchase

Click here to register on pdEnroller for Clock Hours


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