Lead. Serve. Support.

Providing leadership and advocacy for the educational community.

As one of Washington’s nine Educational Service Districts, North Central ESD provides leadership and quality services to support school districts, educational staff, and partners serving the children and communities in the North Central Washington region and across the state.

Driven by the needs of our districts, North Central ESD offers more than 140 programs and services that address all areas of K-12 education and administration. This support creates a wrap-around of services that allow districts to prioritize resources to strengthen the work they are already doing in their schools and classrooms.

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Making the Difference in Lives of Kids – Leanne Lafferty

Respect, Trust, and Support – Selina Sencion

Bringing Innovation into the Region’s Classrooms – Stefan Troutman

Professional Growth that Aligns with Community Needs – Leticia Mendoza

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Our Support Services

Here at North Central ESD, we pride ourselves in offering custom solutions to meet the needs of regional school districts encompassing their staff, students, families, and communities. Our team includes educational and business professionals with a wide range of backgrounds and experience. Our staff and cadre of specialists possess expertise and extensive knowledge in all areas of K-12 education, and are here to provide support and leadership.

The Division of Educational Services provides a comprehensive menu of services to assist educators in their efforts to provide safe, healthy, and positive educational environments where all students achieve high levels of success.

A glance at the Educational Services we provide:

  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • Certification / Registrar / Clock Hours
  • Early Learning / Early Intervention
  • Instructional coaching
  • Nursing services
  • Educational practices
  • Paraeducator support
  • School & district improvement processes
  • Special Education
  • STEM Instructional Cooperative
  • Student Safety & Well-Being
    • Behavioral Health
    • Threat Assessment
    • Comprehensive School Safety
    • Student Attendance Re-engagement

The Division of Administrative Services provides services and support to assist school district management. We operate cost-savings insurance pools, create inter-agency cooperatives, and support all aspects of school, administration, business and communication functions

A glance at the Administrative Services we provide:

  • Board member training
  • Business office mentoring & academies
  • Business manager services
  • Business operations and contract services
  • Information Services Center – fiscal/student records
  • Fiscal services and state reporting
  • Human resources support and services
  • Public relations and other communication services
  • Superintendent services
  • Technology services
    • Network and desktop support
    • Erate and hardware purchasing
    • Cloud based wi-fi, VoIP, and data support
  • Unemployment pool
  • Workers’ compensation and risk management self-insurance pool

NCESD by the Numbers

NCESD Funding Sources

The North Central ESD is funded through a variety of sources, including Washington State core funding. The programs and services provided to the region’s school districts by NCESD are funded primarily through entrepreneurial efforts, including:

  • Applying for and receiving competitive state, federal and private grants
  • Operating cooperatives among schools and other agencies
  • Charging membership fees for access to specific resources
  • Developing services for our region on a pay-for-service basis.

Funding data compiled from 2020-21 fiscal year actuals.

Educators in the NCESD Region

teachers in the 29 public school districts across the region

Regional Professional Develpoment Hours

hours invested in professional development during 2020-21 through NCESD offerings

Student Enrollment

K-12 students enrolled in the NCESD region in 2020-21 school year

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