
Resource: Seven Ways to Have a Healthier Relationship With Stress

Monthly Resources – April 2023
Published March 23, 2023

Seven Ways to Have a Healthier Relationship With Stress

Drawn from a new book, The Stress Prescription, by health psychologist and researcher Elissa Epel, Jill Suttie’s article Seven Ways to Have a Healthier Relationship With Stress was published by Greater Good Magazine on February 15, 2023.

A few of these seven strategies may be fresh and new to you.

  • Embrace uncertainty

    • Loosen expectations
    • Mindful meditation may help
  • Don’t fret about what you can’t control

  • Harness your body’s stress response to meet challenges

    • Adopt a welcoming attitude toward your stress response
    • Use statements such as “I appreciate this feeling,” when noticing your stress response.
  • Train your cells to metabolize stress better

    • Employ high intensity interval training (HIIT) if possible for benign stressors
    • A cold shower may serve as a short-term benign stressor
    • A sauna also may serve a short-term benign stressor
  • Use nature to recalibrate yourself
  • Practice deep rest

    • Sleep
    • Deep breathing
  • Find moments of joy in your life

According to Suttie, Epel also explains in her new book:

  • how stress affects the cells of our bodies
  • how constant alertness causes less effective responses to stressors
  • how stress is useful and should not be avoided entirely.

To access the source article, click here.


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