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We all went through tough changes in the last 4 years and some things we had in place just didn’t stick. But now we have a new focus and new goals and some of those things we used to do we want back. They worked and they were good. PBIS has been an evidence-based system that has been proven to be effective among schools all over the nation. Bring your team and let’s dive into what you have already created within your PBIS system. Let’s build on strengths and support areas of focus. We will guide you through the best practices for each building block of a strong Tier 1 system and help you reboot a successful working system.

Date & Time

Monday, June 17
9:00am – 3:00pm


Hilton Garden Inn
25 N Worthen St, Wenatchee, WA 98801

Registration Price


Clock Hours

5.50 Clock Hours Available for Purchase

Register via pdEnroller

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