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Employer Presentation Videos

Check out recordings from the event to learn more about the employers and jobs opportunities featured during the event.

Event Overview

YES is a great event for all students to find a job!

At the event local industry professionals will speak to youth about their in demand 21st-century workforce opportunities, available within our region.

Young people who attend the virtual event will have the unique opportunity to connect with employers in Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan counties who are actively hiring youth, via live presentations by each business.

This event is specifically designed to facilitate connections between youth ( ages 14+) and employers who are actively hiring. All attendees are encouraged to come prepared with a resume to apply directly for positions.

If you are in need of assistance with creating a resume, join us for lunch webinar on resume tips and tricks to wow the employer. The Youth Employment Summit – Prep Hour will be hosted via zoom on March 2, 2022 at Noon. Details and zoom link will be provided in the confirmation email upon registering for the YES event.

This is an opportunity for young people to say YES to the job!

If you are a school administrator or teacher and would like to learn more about the benefits of sending your students to this event, please contact Tami McBride at the NCESD.

Participating Businesses

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