
Alternative to Suspension Workshops from Cancer Pathways

Published February 29, 2024

Quit the Nic and Alternative to Suspension Workshops from Cancer Pathways

Would you like to make adult-led, educational intervention and support for nicotine cessation available to your students, but lack sufficient staffing?

FREE programs from Cancer Pathways may be exactly what you need!

Using curricula from the American Lung Association, Cancer Pathways personnel who are trained in health education and nicotine cessation deliver two separate programs, via Zoom, to students outside the Seattle area (where they prefer to administer in-person workshops).

Voluntary Program

Here in North Central Washington, students in grades 6 – 12 who wish to stop using nicotine products voluntarily can benefit from the American Lung Association’s N-O-T on Tobacco program offered by Cancer pathways.

N-O-T on Tobacco involves

  • Ten 50-minute sessions
  • Nine weeks
  • A participant workbook (mailed)
  • A Quit Kit of such items as gum, mints and stickers (mailed)

Mandatory Program

For students who have violated their school’s tobacco-free policy, Cancer Pathways personnel will administer the mandatory educational intervention INDEPTH: An Alternative to Suspension or Citation, involving four 50-minute sessions for four weeks

Viewthe Cancer Pathways Youth Support Flier or visit Cancer Pathways Quit Tobacco Support page.

To make arrangements for your students to benefit from these workshops, email Lauren Bineau, lauren@cancerpathways.org.

Cancer Pathways is a non-profit organization that provides information, resources and support in regard to cancer and its impacts on individuals and families.

Cancer Pathways educates youth in preventing and reducing their risks of cancer. Originally Gilda’s Club Seattle, Cancer Pathways was in 2001 patterned after Gilda’s Club in New York City. Both clubs were inspired by Gilda Radner, her experience of having cancer, and her call for “places of participation, education, hope and friendship to be made available for people with cancer and their families and friends everywhere.


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