
Bring Parents’ Night Out to Your Students’ Parents and Other Caregivers

Published February 29, 2024

Bring Parents’ Night Out to Your Students’ Parents and Other Caregivers

Parents’ Night Out is a FREE educational session for parents and other caregivers, and is part of the Talk. They Hear You. campaign of the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

SAMHSA started Talk. They Hear You. in 2013 for the purpose of reducing alcohol consumption and use of other substances in youth under the age of 21 years.

More recently, Parents’ Night Out sessions were developed to provide parents and other caregivers with essential information about underage drinking and other drug use, and encourage them to talk with their kids about these issues.

The Talk. They Hear You. campaign includes a smartphone app of the same name, and the Parents’ Night Out sessions urge parents and other caregivers to employ the app in helping them to share concerns and expectations with their children.

How can parents of your students benefit from Parents’ Night Out?

You can host an in-person or virtual session for your school, and can elect to deliver a Parents’ Night Out presentation yourself, ask a colleague to do it, or invite NCESD’s Behavioral Health Educator to visit you virtually or in person.

To visit SAMHSA’s Parent’s Night Out website to request access to FREE materials, click here. To request a FREE presentation for parents from our Behavioral Health team, click here.


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