

How Do Hobbies Help Mental Health?

2024-01-03T13:15:58-08:00January 3rd, 2024|Behavioral Health|

Whether through involvement in extracurricular student groups, in-school enrichment opportunities, or classes such as art and shop, students can benefit greatly from learning skills that are applicable to hobbies at home – both now while they are in school and in their futures as adults.

35 Tips for Dealing With Difficult Family Members During the Holidays

2023-11-14T10:43:50-08:00November 14th, 2023|Behavioral Health|

The article, 35 Tips for Dealing With Difficult Family Members During the Holidays, written by Melissa Boudin, PsyD and reviewed by Kristen Fuller, MD, was published by Choosing Therapy on October 17, 2023. We have listed the 35 tips shared by the authors, and hope you will visit Choosing Therapy to read the expansion of each for yourself.

Holiday Stress Reduction Strategies

2023-11-14T10:20:59-08:00November 14th, 2023|Behavioral Health|

By combining advice from the American Psychiatric Association and the Mayo Clinic Health System, we have generated the following list of holiday stress reduction strategies you might use yourself and encourage your parents and older students to use.

Service Learning

2023-11-05T10:18:55-08:00November 5th, 2023|Behavioral Health|

As we enter the holiday season, it may be a good time to consider conducting a unit of service learning in your classroom. For secondary students, a service learning unit might begin before the Thanksgiving break and continue until the semester ends late in January. For elementary students, a unit of service learning that begins upon students’ return from their Thanksgiving break and ends just before Winter Break may be enough.

Video: The Science of Gratitude

2023-11-05T10:01:23-08:00November 5th, 2023|Behavioral Health|

This two-minute video, The Science of Gratitude, emphasizes the physical, mental, emotional and social benefits of practicing gratitude. Ten sources of further information are listed at the end of the video.

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