

New Data Center Technician Career Launch Program Endorsed, Opening Doors to In-Demand IT Careers for Local Youth

2023-06-08T09:15:26-07:00June 6th, 2023|Agency News, District News, News, Program News|

A groundbreaking partnership has achieved a significant milestone in the development of a new workforce development path for the Data Centers in Grant County through the Career Connect Washington Career Launch program have joined forces to introduce the Data Center Technician Career Launch program, designed to prepare young adults to start their careers with a combination of meaningful, paid, high-quality on-the-job experience with aligned classroom learning and a post-high school credential.

Dream Forward: NCESD Board of Directors Attend AESA Annual Conference

2023-01-05T12:12:49-08:00December 20th, 2022|Agency News, News|

In late November 2022, the Board of Directors for North Central ESD attended the Annual Conference for the Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA). The annual conference is specifically designed for Educational Service Agencies across the nation and features general sessions with national thought leaders and breakout sessions featuring best practices.

NCESD Staff Awards Luncheon 2022

2022-06-21T14:57:37-07:00June 21st, 2022|Agency News, Awards, News|

Each year, the NCESD takes the time to acknowledge team members who have gone above and beyond to demonstrate what it truly means to lead, serve, and support. Throughout the year, these individuals have shown up with positive attitudes, exceptional team spirit, and displayed strong “servant leadership”.

NCESD Board of Directors Appoints New Member

2022-01-19T12:14:41-08:00January 19th, 2022|Agency News, News|

The North Central Educational Service District (NCESD) is excited to welcome Cathi Nelson to the agency’s board of directors. Nelson will represent District #3 which includes Brewster, Bridgeport, Coulee-Hartline, Grand Coulee Dam, Mansfield, Nespelem, Orondo, Palisades, Pateros, Methow Valley, and Waterville school districts.

Make an Impact Today – InvestED 2021 Regional Fundraiser

2021-11-10T10:26:16-08:00November 10th, 2021|Agency News, District News, News|

InvestED has been a long-time supporter of North Central Washington students through its partnership with the North Central Educational Service District. During the 2020-21 academic year, InvestED and its generous partners provided over $250,000 to the NCESD region through active partnerships with 19 school districts. Local educators used those funds to directly impact more than 9,000 students in nearly 40 schools.

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