About NCESD’s Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (previously called Early Intervention)

The NCESD Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) team is the Early Intervention Provider Agency for Chelan, Douglas, Grant counties, as well as Nespelem School District. As the Provider Agency, NCESD is responsible for ensuring that support and services – in accordance to the law (the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Action, or IDEA)- are accessible for children ages birth to 3 years old and their support systems. NCESD also serves as the single point of entry for ESIT/Early Intervention referrals (see “The Referral Process” tab for more information).

Early Support for Infants and Toddlers services are designed to enable children birth to 3 with developmental delays or disabilities to be active and successful during their early childhood years and in the future in a variety of settings – in their homes, in child care, in preschool or school programs, and in their communities.

The NCESD ESIT/Early Learning team provides the following services to infants and toddlers with developmental delays:

  • Social emotional

  • Communication
  • Motor
  • Cognitive
  • Self-help
  • Vision and hearing

If you have a concern about your child’s development and would like to schedule a meeting or receive more information, contact us here.

Betty’s Story

Betty was born with fluid around her stomach and an enlarged heart. She was given a 50% survival rate. Her parents opted for a heart transplant soon after her birth and it hasn’t missed a beat since.

La historia de Lucas

El programa de Apoyo Temprano para Bebés y Niños Pequeños de NCESD ha estado brindando apoyo a Lucas y a sus padres de diversas formas. Descubre cómo ESIT se ha unido a la familia para fortalecerlos en el desarrollo de Lucas.

The Referral Process

Parents, families, child care providers and medical providers can all make a referral to Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (Early Intervention).

Parents, families, child care providers and medical providers can all make a referral to the ESIT program when there is a concern about a child’s development. Read this handout for developmental milestones to look for in children by age.

What does the Referral Process Look Like?

Once a referral is received by our ESIT/Early Intervention team, a Family Resources Coordinator (FRC) will contact the family in order to gather more information and to determine the next steps for evaluation to determine eligibility and whether the child could benefit from early intervention services.

Make a Referral

Those interested in making a developmental referral may complete the form below or download the PDF file. Providers can fax a referral form to 509-888-1968.

Format Example: 01-01-2010
Please include street, city, state, and zip code.
Format example: 509-665-2610
Format example: 509-665-2610
Format example: 509-665-2610
Format example: email@email.com

Family Resource Coordination

Washington State Family Resource Coordinators support and assist families to identify priorities then find and coordinate resources in the community to match those priorities.

The FRC may also coordinate:

  • The initial intake process for the family a Child’s evaluations
  • The development of an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) to address your child and family’s needs,
  • Information about resources available in your community to support your child and family
  • A transition plan to community programs including preschool special education


To be eligible, a child must have a 25% delay or show a 1.5 standard deviation below his or her age in one or more of the developmental areas including physical, cognitive, communication, social emotional or adaptive skills. A child may also be eligible if he or she has a physical or mental condition such as Down’s Syndrome that may have a high probability of developmental delay.

Our Services

We provide our services in the child’s natural environment, including the home, childcare, the community, and other immediate environments natural to the child and family. Our ESIT/early intervention services are available in a secure virtual format as well.

We believe that parents and caregivers know their children best. It is our goal to work collaboratively with parents and caregivers to share ideas, strategies and information about your child’s development.

Video is available in Spanish on Youtube.

The support that children with developmental delays and their families receive is provided by a whole team. Our ESIT team members may include:

  • Family Resource Coordinator
  • Early Intervention teacher
  • Speech Language Pathologist and Speech Language Pathologist Assistant
  • Physical therapist
  • Feeding specialist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Teacher of the Visually impaired
  • Teacher of the Deaf
  • Social Work


Chelan/Douglas/Grant Counties
and Nespelem School District

North Central ESD
430 Olds Station Road
Wenatchee, WA 98801

Janelle Bersch
Phone: 509-664-3781
Fax: 509-888-1968

Okanogan County

Bright Start Services
638 Okoma Drive
PO Box 3054
Omak, WA 98841

Shannon Mendoza
Phone: 509-826-1550
Fax: 509-826-1525


Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (Early Intervention) Contacts

Ana Bernal

B-3 Special Education Teacher
Message NCESD

Candie Sanchez

Lead Family Resource Coordinator/Paraeducator
Message NCESD

Elena Castañeda

Family Resources Coordinator
Message NCESD

Janelle Bersch

Managing Director, Early Learning
Message NCESD

Jannel Burton

Motor Therapy Lead
Message NCESD

Jesenia Cifuentes

Family Resource Coordinator
Message NCESD

Jess Smiley

Speech Language Pathologist
Message NCESD

Jill Moon

Physical Therapist
Message NCESD

Karina Zendejas

Family Resource Coordinator
Message NCESD

Karla Fahey

Lead B-3 Special Education Teacher
Message NCESD

Katie Peet

B-3 Special Education Teacher
Message NCESD

Kerry Sotherlund

Speech Language Pathologist Lead
Message NCESD

Leah Harris

B-3 Special Education Teacher
Message NCESD

Leticia Mendoza

Speech Language Pathologist Assistant
Message NCESD

Lindsey Harvey

Speech Language Pathologist Lead
Message NCESD

Liz Williams

B-3 Social Worker
Message NCESD

Luisa Hernandez

Family Resource Coordinator/Interpreter
Message NCESD

Lysbeth Romero

Administrative Assistant
Message NCESD

Margarita Gonzalez

Family Resource Coordinator
Message NCESD

Mayra Mora

Family Resource Coordinator Assistant
Message NCESD

Natalie Geisler

Occupational Therapist
Message NCESD

Nicole Craig

Speech Language Pathologist
Message NCESD

Nicole Lyman

Occupational Therapist
Message NCESD

Nora Gonzalez

B-3 Special Education Teacher
Message NCESD

Oralia Banuelos

Family Resource Coordinator/Paraeducator
Message NCESD

Rayana Hill

Speech Language Pathologist Assistant
Message NCESD

Samantha Simmons

B-3 Special Education Teacher
Message NCESD

Shelby McDonald

B-3 Special Education Teacher
Message NCESD

Stephanie Reynolds

Early Intervention Coordinator
Message NCESD

Victoria Vela

Speech Language Pathology Assistant
Message NCESD