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Be the Leader You Want to Follow!

Join us for the 3rd Annual Summer Leadership Summit. Take your administrative and district office teams to the next level at this high-impact event that will set the stage for a strong start in 2024/2025! 

This 2-day professional development will provide networking opportunities between leaders, colleagues, and friends from the NCESD region as well as host impactful keynote speakers and provide multiple breakout sessions around relevant topics focused on district level, building level, and business office leaders. 

The event will grow your leadership capacity and that of your school or district team. You will leave energized, with tangible strategies and tools to launch 2024/2025. Multiple breakout sessions will keep you engaged and address a full range of issues facing leaders today. 

Registration is limited to 150 participants. Equity and Educational Leadership Clock Hours available.

Register now

Date & Time

Wednesday, August 7 | 8:00am – 3:30pm

Thursday, August 8 | 8:00am – 11:30am


Wenatchee Convention Center
121 N. Wenatchee Avenue
Wenatchee, WA



11 Clock Hours Available for Purchase

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