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Zoom Paraeducator Fundamental Course of Study: FCS06 Equity 

This three-hour professional learning opportunity is for instructional paraeducators, K-12.  Participants will deepen their understanding of ways to respond to racism, discrimination, and stereotypes. Participants will gain awareness of the need for creating equitable and inclusive learning environments. This course covers 3 of the required 28 units of study hours that align with the FCS learning objectives.


– Identify the basic regulations and policies that apply to the civil rights of students

– Describe ways to respond to racism, discrimination, and stereotypes based on family, language, ethnicity, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic background, or other elements of culture

– To gain an awareness and understanding of equitable practices and why they are important for meeting the needs of all students.

  • To gain knowledge and self-awareness of implicit bias.

Date & Time

Friday, March 10
12:30pm – 3:30pm


Online Training
via Zoom

Registration Price


Clock Hours

3 FCS Hours

Register via pdEnroller

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