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Preschool GLAD is about creating a rich environment of language, ideas and concepts.  Students engage in learning at their own entry points and are given multiple ways to respond.  This mode fosters a success-based, interactive environment that stresses cross-cultural respect and sensitivity and that values the family, community and language of the child.  Intentionally creating lanuage rich environments for our preschool English learners takes time and effort.  Preschool GLAD engages participants in thinking about how children learn language and introduces successful, research-based strategies for creating a language rich setting that is alive with words, aloud with language, and results in language-rich learning.

Date & Time

Monday, March 4
3:30pm – 6:30pm

Tuesday, March 5
3:30pm – 6:30pm


Online Event
Hosted via Zoom

Registration Price


Clock Hours

6 Clock Hours Available for Purchase

Register via pdEnroller

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