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Join Washington State Instructional Coaches, Coordinators, Administrators, and others to learn from one another about professional development efficacy, best practices for coaching, coaching strategies, new teacher mentoring, innovative teacher support methods, coaching cycles, and more. This conference is by coaches for coaches! This virtual conference will begin with a morning Keynote with Dr. Peter Liljedahl, author of “Building Thinking Classrooms,” followed by breakout sessions. The afternoon will be an unconference so bring your needs to the table to collaborate with others on learning about what you need to learn. Networking opportunities will abound in this virtual conference. All this and it’s FREE to NCESD STEM Cooperative Members and all other registrations are $75!

Date & Time

Friday, June 9
9:00am – 4:00pm


Online Event
Hosted via ZOOM

Registration Price

Free for NCESD STEM Cooperative Members

Clock Hours

6 Equity Clock Hours Available for Purchase

Register via pdEnroller

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