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Join us for an exciting Occupation Exploration Event at Chelan County PUD, where students can get a hands-on look at careers in Fleet Technician, Shop Mechanics, and Parts & Maintenance Coordination. This unique opportunity includes:

  • A tour of the new Fleet Services building
  • A hands-on challenge to test your skills
  • Insights from industry professionals about a day in the life of fleet careers

With supervision and instructions, students will operate an overhead crane to move a suspended weight to a target, try their hand at balancing tires, use a torque wrench, climb into the cab of a digger derrick, and tour the shop. Don’t miss this chance to explore high-demand careers and see if a future in fleet services is right for you!

Chelan PUD Service Center is 203 Olds Station Road in Wenatchee. Parking is available in front of the Service Center building, and attendees will enter through the front doors of the main building.

Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Parents, guardians, and teachers are welcome to stay at the event with their student(s) but must register themselves if you want to attend.

At this event, photos and/or videos may be recorded. Your attendance at this event grants your permission to be in these photos or videos, which may be used in our communications channels, including (but not limited to), social media, website or other publications. If you would prefer not to be photographed/filmed please inform an event organizer.

Presented by: North Central ESD, Wenatchee Valley College Foundation, and Career Connect Washington

Date & Time

Tuesday, April 29
5:30pm – 7:30pm


Chelan County PUD (Headquarters)
203 Olds Station Road Wenatchee, WA 98801

Registration Price


This event is for students in grades 6 – 12. Adults are welcome to attend with a student, but it is not required.

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