
Upcoming Events

The NCESD offers a variety of professional development opportunities for educators, administrators and other school staff. The calendar below includes most of our current offerings, but check our full listing on pdEnroller.

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Professional Development

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  2. Professional Development

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Restorative Justice Practices

District teams are invited to join trainer Dr. Angela Brooks for this two day Restorative Practices Training. Restorative practices help to build community, celebrate accomplishments, transform conflict, rebuild relationships that have been harmed, and reintegrate students who have been suspended or expelled.

NCW Cyber Meetup – How to Understand Your Microsoft 365 Security Score (May 2023)

Join us for our monthly Cyber Meetup events! These events are designed for business, education, technology, and community partners to come together for collaborative learning and discussion on technology topics. Every event features a presentation from a technology professional, discussion, and time for networking.

Staff Resources

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