Identifying and Teaching Children at Risk for Dyslexia
North Central ESD WAOverview Dyslexia represents the most common and most prevalent of all known learning disabilities and impacts approximately 1 in 5 individuals. This [...]
The NCESD offers a variety of professional development opportunities for educators, administrators and other school staff. The calendar below includes most of our current offerings, but check our full listing on pdEnroller.
Overview Dyslexia represents the most common and most prevalent of all known learning disabilities and impacts approximately 1 in 5 individuals. This [...]
Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) providers will learn from Vision teachers about services to children and families enrolled in the ESIT program. IFSP services and strategies will be discussed as well as opportunities for team planning.
A Project GLAD® Demonstration is a four-day, in-classroom observation of the model and strategies. Trainers will provide a guided demonstration of Project GLAD® strategies.
Overview Calling all 3rd through 8th grade teachers! Join us for a dynamic one-day event hosted by NCESD staff, where you'll discover [...]
Science in Our Valley seminar presentations are intended for a ‘science-based’ audience, including researchers, postdoctoral scientists, teachers, graduate students, undergraduate scientists, and science enthusiasts.
Join us for our monthly Cyber Meetup events! These events are designed for business, education, technology, and community partners to come together for collaborative learning and discussion on technology topics. Every event features a presentation from a technology professional, discussion, and time for networking.
Science in Our Valley seminar presentations are intended for a ‘science-based’ audience, including researchers, postdoctoral scientists, teachers, graduate students, undergraduate scientists, and science enthusiasts.
This comprehensive training is designed to equip school staff with the essential knowledge to avoid profiling and bias by using criteria to address behaviors and interventions to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students.
This three-hour professional learning opportunity is for instructional paraeducators, K-12. Participants will Identify equitable and inclusive strategies that can be used to support a positive and safe learning environment including de-escalation strategies.
Preschool GLAD® Demonstration is a four-day, in-classroom observation of the model and strategies. Trainers will provide a guided demonstration of Preschool GLAD® strategies. Each day the demonstration highlights the use of different Preschool GLAD® strategies.
Overview Are you looking for ways to prevent behavior disruptions and boost engagement in your classroom? This workshop is for you. [...]
Restorative justice practices help to build celebrate accomplishments, transform conflict, rebuild relationships that have been harmed, and reintegrate students who have been suspended or expelled.
North Central
Educational Service District
509.665.2610 | | 430 Olds Station Road, Wenatchee, WA 98801
©2025 NCESD