NCESD to host STEM tours

Published On: February 27th, 2020|Categories: Agency News, News|
NCESD to host STEM tours

The North Central Educational Service District is hosting a series of tours of regional employers throughout North Central Washington designed to demonstrate how STEM learning in the classroom relates to STEM careers. The tours are open to teachers and education staff throughout North Central Washington. Clock hours are available, and registration is required.

The schedule is as follows:

Grant/Adams County:

Tues, March 3: 1:30-3:30   Amway Nutrilite, Quincy

Thurs, April 9: 3:30-5:30  Chemi-Con, Moses Lake

Wed, April 22: 3:30-5:30  SGL Composites, Moses Lake

Thurs, May 7: 3:30-5:30  Joyson Safety Systems, Moses Lake

Registration at:


Okanogan County:

Tues, March 24  3:00-4:30  US Electrodynamics, Brewster

Tues, April 28  3:30-5:00  Oroville Reman and Reload, Oroville

Registration at:


Chelan/Douglas County:

Wed, March 4  3:30-4:30  Salcido Enterprises, Wenatchee

Wed, April 8  3:30-5:00 Sabey Data Centers-Intergate Columbia, East Wenatchee

Wed, May 6  3:30-5:30  WSDOT, Wenatchee

Registration at:

Note: If you plan on attending the 3/4 Salcido and/or the 4/8 Sabey workshops, please also register through the provided link.


STEM education integrates concepts that are usually taught as separate subjects in different classes and emphasizes the application of knowledge to real-life situations. A lesson or unit in a STEM class is typically based around finding a solution to a real-world problem and tends to emphasize project-based learning. Many STEM lessons involve building models and simulating situations, and impactful STEM lessons ensure that students understand the connection to the real world. These tours have been designed to connect classroom-based learning concepts to the work being done in regional employers.


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