Utilizing funds from the Washington State Leadership & Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER), North Central ESD offers STEM Kits available to any educator in the North Central Washington region serving preschool to 3rd grade students.
Kits are free to check out for up to 10 weeks at a time, and come with lessons and activities that support multiple learning standards. All lessons are available in both English and Spanish.
Quick Details About The Loan Program
- The loan program is free for any educator in Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan counties serving preschool to 3rd grade students.
- Kits can be checked out for up to 10 weeks at a time: October – December (Fall);Â January – March (Winter); April – June (Summer)
- Activities in the kit can be done as standalone lessons, in a series, or in any order that works for you and your students.
This is a loan program; all non-consumable and unused items need to be returned to the NCESD.
The lessons and activities connect to NGSS standards, but please be aware that while students may experience some of these standards, they will not necessarily master these standards.
NCESD staff is here to help! Message us if you have questions about the loan program and how to include it in your classroom.
Lessons & Activities
The Early Learning STEM Kit includes materials and resources for 10 lessons and 5+ activities. Click the photos or lesson titles below to preview each lesson. BONUS! Lessons are available in English AND Spanish; request your kit to learn more.
Special thank you to NWESD, ESD 123 and ClimeTime!
In 2018 – 2019, Northwest Education Service District 189 (Anacortes) brought together a design team of six Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten educators through a ClimeTime grant to find play-based, and engaging ways to teach climate science to early learners.
Thank you also to ESD 123 Migrant Team for sharing the math puzzles and accompanying activities.
The STEM kit we will be sharing with you is a result of this work. The activities and materials were compiled by this team.
And, thank you to Karen Ng for sharing her Puddle Walk Unit plan!