
The Science team at North Central ESD is available to assist school districts in implementing the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core State Standards, selecting instructional materials, in the use of appropriate technology applications, and in providing professional development. We can provide custom designed in-services ranging from on-site for a single school, to a common location for multiple schools and levels. The North Central ESD Science team works in collaboration with the North Central ESD Math and Literacy team.

In addition, our Regional Science Coordinator who, along with the other Regional Science Coordinators, Math Coordinators and Literacy Coordinators from all ESDs, will be working together with the LASER Alliance Directors and OSPI to support the development of a statewide science network.

Complete this form to receive resources, updates, and professional development opportunities!

Climate Science – Voices of Hope Project GLAD® Unit

When researching for this unit we found ourselves so saddened and downright depressed by what is going on that we had to find THE LIGHT! As we searched for what people are doing all around the world to address climate change we found so many voices of hope.

This unit was designed for 4th – 7th grade classrooms. However, many grade levels could take parts and pieces to apply to their classrooms.  It is infused with technology connections, an amazing action plan project that will give your students the agency to make changes that will help our planet, and several science investigations that directly support each of the input charts.

This is the FIRST EVER OER (Open Educational Resource) GLAD unit!

Unit Materials

Electrical Safety and Energy Education

Electrical energy education presentations are provided through a partnership between the Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan PUDs and the NCESD Science Department. The program serves kindergarten-5th grade, providing teaching materials for all teachers, and in-person presentations for second and fourth graders.

Second graders participate in a 30-minute assembly that introduces the idea of energy and energy transfer.  It’s a hands-on presentation, with a particular focus on electrical energy and electrical conservation.  The one hour program for each fourth grade class introduces children to hydroelectric power generation and critically important safety information about electricity.  We believe this program saves lives and supports the electrical circuit standards required in fourth grade.

James Webber
Regional Science Elementary Specialist

Jane Schuyleman
Professional Services Team Secretary

STEM Materials Cooperative Science Kits

The STEM Materials Cooperative provides school districts with professional development, support, and resources for using science kits. Every year, participating teachers receive a variety of Smithsonian science kits that include everything needed for a 10-15 lesson science activity based on learning goals for each grade level K-5.

Important Updates for the 2023-24 School Year

The Cooperative will see some changes starting during the 2023-24 school year (no changes will take place during the 2022-23 school year. Learn more by visiting our dedicated webpage just for updates on these changes.

Science Kit Training Opportunities

More information coming soon about training opportunities for the 2022-23 school year! Districts are encouraged to develop their own trainers who can attend a facilitator institute in June where they can develop their presentations and ask questions. Districts may also choose to contact NCESD to arrange a training. A minimum of ten teachers is required. For districts in the STEM cooperative (the professional learning cooperative, not the STEM Materials Center program) the fee is $25 per participant; all other districts will be charged $125 per participant with a minimum of 10.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few of our most commonly asked questions from teachers and districts. To see the full list of the NCESD STEM Materials FAQs please click here to view and/or download.

First, thank you for inventorying your kit upon its arrival. This critical step will help ensure your success when you go to teach your lessons. Please submit a help ticket at stemmaterials@ncesd.org. By using this system we can respond to your request regardless of which staff are available at the warehouse. We will respond as soon as possible and get you your materials. Please dispose of any non-functioning items so we can replace them during the next refurbishment cycle.

On the rotation calendar you will notice the days that kits are picked up and delivered. Please mark these dates on your calendar. If we have your current email, you will also receive email reminders prior to pick up and a reminder the week before with the specific day that your kit will be picked up. You will also find a note in your kit tote stating when the kit is due to be picked up. Hopefully between these three communications channels, missing pick up won’t happen. If it does it is your (or your districts responsibility to get the kit to our warehouse within one week. If this is not possible, we will arrange for pick up and charge the district the cost for the transport.

  • Make sure we have your name, grade level, and email address
  • Have your district’s science contact person, curriculum director, or other designee update us with their contact information
  • Please inventory your kit before and after its use
  • Use stemmaterials@ncesd.org as your first, best contact for anything related to the delivery, pick up, or materials in the kit.
  • For teaching questions, online access, or training questions, please contact janes@ncesd.org

Each school is assigned a code that you will enter at https://carolinascienceonline.com under “Join School.” Do not enter the code under “Redeem Code.” To get your school’s code, please submit your request to janes@ncesd.org and she will make sure you get the code for your building.

In most cases you will receive and email from NCESD that has the instructions and control number for you to order your living materials. If the kit is brand new and you are the first teacher using it, the coupon card may be found attached to the kit or inside the kit. It is important to remember to dispose of all living materials correctly. Do not release any living materials into the environment.

Questions? We’re here to help!

Cari Haug

Regional Science Coordinator
Tel: 509-667-7102

Jane Schuyleman

Program Admin. Assistant
Tel: 509-667-3631

Kathryn Metcalfe

STEM Science Warehouse Supervisor
Tel: 509-888-1912

The STEM Materials Cooperative Center is located at:

3306 5th Street SE, Suite E, East Wenatchee WA 98802

Our Climate is Changing, Why Aren’t We?

This collection of books was used in a ClimeTime partnership event between ESD 101, ESD 105, ESD 123, and ESD 171 to support teachers in educating students across Eastern Washington about climate change.

Supporting elementary students with developing knowledge and agency around climate change can be done through the use of children’s literature. Click the button below to view a small collection of books with corresponding resources for engaging your students in learning about climate change.

Careers in Green Chemistry and Sustainable Design: Video Series for Secondary Classrooms

The Careers in Green Chemistry and Sustainable Design video series highlight professionals in Washington whose careers impact products or chemicals used in Washington. Each of these videos highlight a career that connects to green chemistry and sustainable design. In each video, the professionals share their reflections in response to a series of interview questions. The videos are five to ten minutes long. They are designed to be used with secondary students.

Featured Careers:

  • Analytical Chemist
  • Associate Professor
  • Chemist
  • Global Lead of Sustainable Materials Innovation
  • QA/QC Upscaling Technician
  • Regulatory Compliance Director

This project is a collaboration with North Central Educational Service District 171 and Washington State Department of Ecology. It is supported by funds from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

NGSS Cross Cutting Concepts Flash Cards

Teachers can use these flash cards in their classroom to help students explore seven cross cutting concepts:

  1. Patterns
  2. Cause and Effect
  3. Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
  4. System and Systems Models
  5. Energy, Matter, Flows, Cycles and Conservation
  6. Structure and Function
  7. Stability and Change

Use the button below to view and download a printable PDF. The PDF produces two sets of flashcard and has information in both English and Spanish.

Science Resources

Science Contacts

Cari Haug

Regional Science Coordinator
Message NCESD

James Webber

Regional Science Elementary Specialist
Message NCESD

Jane Schuyleman

Administrative Assistant
Message NCESD

Kate Austin

STEM Education Specialist
Message NCESD

Kathryn Metcalfe

Warehouse Supervisor
Message NCESD

Lisa Monahan

STEM Education Specialist
Message NCESD